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Catalina Carrasco / Invisible Reality

March 2012 in Can Monroig

Catalina Carrasco's performance "Invisible reality"

Contemporary dance show that incorporates and exploits the possibilities of current communication technologies to represent the essence of any person. A format in which there are two dancers, one live (Catalina) and another who appears through the audiovisual medium (Susana Fuenmayor).
The award-winning dancer Catalina Carrasco (Best dancer at the 2010-2011 Escènica Awards) and alongside her in audiovisual format Susana Fuenmayor propose a journey to the depths of the inner world and its multiple levels. Both are part of the same being, representing the multiple personalities that coexist within us, emotional states and primary instincts. They travel from one state to another creating various characters, sometimes contrary and sometimes complementary. From a body with memory, to a body that transforms. A story of encounter, discovery and acceptance.
It is therefore not only a dance project, but also a cultural communication project beyond the stage itself.
The intimate and enveloping music contains the arrangements for this occasion by Jaume Manresa (Member of Antonia Font and Mariantònia Oliver Company) that will take us into the magnificent world of Invisible Reality.
Text by Grupolasiesta.

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