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Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron

As a child, I was given a book about Native Americans for Christmas. I was fascinated by the illustrations with looms, rugs and woven moccasins. I still have it.

"Shelter" Photo by Miquel Juliá

I started working on looms when I was twenty using a simple frame. In Holland, in the early nineties, I learned to weave on a low-warp loom, which is used to weave finer, longer and wider fabrics.

Es Baluard
Improvised exhibition in Es Baluard de San Pere, Palma de Mallorca, 1993.
San Felio Street in Palma, 1993.


On my return to Mallorca I continued experimenting with high and low warp looms, exhibiting in various galleries on the island.

Tapices en Es Baluard
It is Baluartd 1993




In the nineties I opened a textile workshop in Sineu and later installed the loom in the antique shop in Pollensa that I opened with Robert L. Hinton.

But in the mid-2000s I switched from textiles to painting, it was more immediate, more attractive.

Not long ago I returned to the looms, always recycling materials such as denim, or cotton and linen fabrics that I dye myself. Now the result is not simply artisanal, another vision of the world appears there.
I am currently working on a textile installation in the countryside that I have called “Refugio”, where I combine old Mallorcan fabrics with fabrics of my own that I woven years ago, and I am collaborating with photographers Miquel Juliá and Gabriel Ramon on a photographic performance around this installation.
Textile installation in Santa Margarita

The project "Shelter" will be presented at Can Monroig from December 17th.

Noëlle Ginard Fé

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