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Fotografía de Gabriel Ramon para el proyecto "Refugio" con la técnica del colodión húmedo.
"To have in this uncertain world some refuge which cannot be destroyed is of primary importance" Mari Wollstonecraft

Shelter is an artistic project of Marie-Noëlle Ginard which is part of a textile installation in the countryside around which together with the photographers Gabriel Ramon Michael Julia and Robert L. Hinton performed a photographic performance.

An internal process in which Noëlle reflects on the need to find a refuge, not only as a physical space to take shelter, but also a place, real or imaginary, where she can safeguard her own identity from others, protect herself from grievances, and seek a path without impositions or external pressures.

In April 2022, Inspired by the shelters and nomadic huts From scraps, he built three huts in the countryside with a stone and wood structure, covered by old Mallorcan mats and fabrics that she had woven on a hand loom for over thirty years, all of them sewn together over several months.

Textile installation in the field
The first cabin was built on stones that came from a wall that was dismantled in Can Monroig during its restoration and which had been piled up outside for more than fifteen years.

With this montage I reflected on the contradiction and impossibility of living in a shelter whose interior was full of stones.

The second shelter, built around sandstone slabs, a structure of reeds, fabrics and mats, was more like a shack, a very precarious and poor construction. It referred to the difficulty of life, the challenges, the internal struggles, the penance we undergo due to feelings of guilt.

The third cabin was open, the fabrics moving in the wind, anyone could enter.
Photographic performance


The textile installation of three cabins in the middle of nature served as the setting for a photographic performance  in which they collaborated Miquel Julia Silvestre, Gabriel Ramon and Robert L. Hinton, contributing her vision of the shelter and transforming Noëlle's proposal into beautiful images.

The result of the joint work: photographs, videos and textile installation, will be presented in Can Monroig with music by Liquid Mantle, Berlin experimental music duo.
Performance fotográfica

The exhibition will remain open until mid-February during “Pop-up” hours, meaning that we will be announcing the visiting hours on our social media and in the calendar section of this website every week.

Fotografía de Miquel Juliá
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