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Liquid Mantle

Liquid Mantle is a musical project by Ola Ciao and Mathis Hocke, started in 2017.

From Berlin They have created a series of improvised studio sessions focusing on slowly evolving soundscapes, textures and hypnotic beats, using drum machines, pedals, guitar and vocals.

Much of the music is recorded during one-take sessions, and sometimes improvised overdubs are added..

The concept is to maintain the live sound of the recordings and avoid editing. Vocals and guitar are processed with pedals to create dynamic elements. noise, ambient and drone. Distorted drum machine sounds are processed live with effects that create intense atmospheres.

Liquid Mantle es un grupo berlinés de música experimental

Hello Hello He has been sharing various projects with other artists for over 15 years, combining the electronic set with piano, dance, video art and other instruments, and has collaborated on audiovisual production projects and experimental performances.

Mathis Hocke He pursues multiple side projects ranging from playing synthesizers and guitar in alternative rock bands to producing electronic music and sound experimentation with DIY instruments.

Liquid Mantle has created a 

Liquid Mantle's music will accompany the exhibition "Shelter" that Can Monroig will present in Inca starting on December 17th. Likewise, Ola Ciao and Mathis Hocke have lent several of their songs for the editing of the videos of Marie-Noëlle Ginard which will be presented during the inauguration.

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