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Castell de Santueri in Mallorca

For years the Santueri Castle in Felanitx It was closed to the public due to its poor state of preservation. I must confess that, despite this, I managed to sneak in once and was able to see the interior of this fortress of Muslim origin, a jewel of Mallorca's architecture and history. On that first visit, what I found were the ruins of a fortification that had such an impact on me that, since then, entering the castle of Santueri again has been one of my dreams.

castell de santueri

For a few days now, after a period of consolidation and restoration work, the Santueri castle has reopened its doors to the public.

castell de santueri

A visit is highly recommended for its history, archaeology, type of construction, landscapes and views... but above all, for that feeling of stepping into a magical place where several civilizations have passed through, from the ancient bronze age -2200 BC-, to the Roman, Byzantine, Muslim or Christian occupation.

castell de Santueri

castell de santueri

The consolidation and restoration interventions carried out have been truly essential, maintaining and respecting at all times the original appearance of the fortress and, as we have been able to see, using the most appropriate materials for a construction of these characteristics.
In this link “Sustainable rehabilitation” You can find information about old houses where it was necessary to consolidate the walls and structure.

To learn more about the history of Es Castell de Santueri, I recommend visiting the page

Can Monroig
Inca, Majorca
April 2014

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