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Photo session with Gabriel Ramón

Gabriel RamonMarie-Noëlle Ginard and Robert López Hinton by Gabriel Ramon.

In the early nineties Robert and I lived on San Felio Street in Palma. We had met on an advertising photography course. We often walked past Gabriel Ramon's studio in San Jaime and always stopped to look at the portraits displayed in the window he had at street level. Black and white portraits, when colour was the norm, couples with their children posing naturally, looks and attitudes that were not forced at all, transmittingof spontaneity; as if those photographs had been taken on a Sunday morning in the parents' bedroom, the family had just woken up and the children were half-dressed.
The two of us, photography apprentices - I have remained as such and Robert has become a very personal photographer without a Pro label - had in Gabriel, without knowing him personally, a teacher.
Recently, through his wife Michele, with whom we share a taste for vintage and beautiful objects, we met Gabriel and the possibility of doing a photo shoot at Can Monroig arose. We always talk about the house, about our work in restoration, about the culture that is passing through here, but it is the two of us who bring Can Monroig to life, and it was time to put a face to the house. Who better than this great portraitist to do it?

Gabriel Ramon photographer

Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron and Robert López Hinton
Can Monroig

August 2015

Noelle y Robert en Can Monroig

Noelle y Robert en Can Monroig

Noelle y Robert en Can Monroig

Noelle y Robert en Can Monroig

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