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Can Monroig by Patrick Parenteau

Patrick ParenteauThe Canadian photographer Patrick Parenteau, his wife Christine and the photographer and art critic Brigitte Lucke They shared with us a few hours of music and painting in #es_only_paint. Creative experiment where musicians and painters interact and improvise.
From Canada, Patrick sent us the photos he took that day of all the corners of Can Monroig with a different point of view, a somewhat curious and sometimes transgressive look. An architecture, that of Can Monroig, where open spaces predominate, with different heights and slopes. Interiors with organic and irregular walls, old doors, painted furniture, dolls, vintage objects, archaeology and art. The result is surprising and fun.

Fotos de can monroig by patrick

Brigitte Lucke, Cristine and Robert López Hinton



Un jueves en es solo pintura

It's just painting, music improvisation and painting

mobiliario customizado

Hooligan furniture

en_GBEnglish (UK)
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