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Karen Lugo, Cristina López, Anna Colom and José Llorach, dance, singing and percussion at Can Monroig/ 2018

Saturday 9th June at 7pm in Can Monroig, Inca.

The dancer Karen Lugo with the singers Cristina Lopez and Anna Colom and the percussionist Jose Llorach, in an intimate encounter around singing, dancing, percussion and the essence of flamenco; without artifice, just rhythm, emotion and soul.

Karen Lugo, a dancer who has won first prize for flamenco dance at the Almería International Festival, first prize for choreography at the Finnish Contemporary Flamenco Festival and third prize for choreography at the 17th Spanish Dance and Flamenco Competition in Madrid. She has performed solo in the “Los Novíssimos” series at the 14th Jerez Festival, the “Sangre Nueva, Jóvenes Flamencos” Festival at the Teatro Español in Madrid, the “Los Veranos del Corral” series in Granada, the “Flamencos y Mestizos” series of the SGAE Foundation at the Sala Berlanga in Madrid and the “Con cierto Independencia” series at the Lunario of the National Auditorium in Mexico City, among others.

Under the direction of Javier Latorre, participates in the film “Flamenco Flamenco” by Carlos Saura and as the first dancer in the show “El Duende y el Reloj”. Invited by Juan Carlos Lérida, she participates in the residency of research and artistic creation of the Flamenc Empiric Festival at the Mercat de Les Flors in Barcelona. Together with Israel Varela she creates the duo Made in México, a project dedicated to collaborating with musicians of different styles and nationalities with whom they have carried out collaborations and tours in Indonesia, the Middle East, Italy, the USA, Spain and Mexico.
He also collaborates with Alicia Carrasco and José Manuel León in their work Kloric Woman, a project that addresses socio-cultural problems linked to the female figure.

Anna Colom

At the age of eight she began to sing and accompany herself on the guitar. At the age of twenty she made music her profession and decided to move to Andalusia to learn flamenco singing and guitar with teachers such as Ezequiel Benítez, Antonio Gómez el Colorao, Mariana Cornejo, Encarna Anillo and great teachers from the Cristina Heeren Foundation in Seville, such as Julián Estrada and José de la Tomasa. She returned to Barcelona to complete her musical training at ESMUC (Escuela Superior de Musica de Catalunya) and continued to delve deeper into flamenco singing with the maestro Chiqui de la Línea and Miriam Vallejo.

Currently she works singing for dance in different flamenco companies: Compañía Flamenco de Jesus Muñoz (United States), Flamenco Portacones (China), La Chispa y Compañía (Mexico and USA), Dotdotdot Flamenco Company (United Kingdom) or El café del Rincón (Holland), and in the main tablaos of Barcelona: Tarantos, el Palacio del Flamenco, el Patio Andaluz. At the same time she works as a private teacher in Barcelona, and gives workshops and master classes abroad. She is part of artistic projects of different musical styles such as Joncol 4 (classical music and flamenco), Fado Violado (Portuguese music and fado with flamenco accompaniments), Sonoridades Flamencas (traditional flamenco with vocal arrangements) “Ni de aquí ni de Allá” (traditional Mexican music and flamenco) and “Entre Orillas” (Cuban music and flamenco) with Cristina López.

Cristina Lopez

Cristina López's first contact with music was the notes of her father's guitar and the songs her mother sang. She was artistically trained at the Escuela Superior de Música de Catalunya and with great singing teachers. Cristina stands out for having a great artistic sensitivity and a special relationship with the public. Her most recent project is “Between shores” Inspired by the musical exchange between Cuba and Spain in which flamenco, flamenco and guajiro embrace each other and tradition and innovation go hand in hand.

Jose Llorach

In the late 90s he worked with the company of the flamenco dancer Chua Alba. For six years he directed the first course of cajón, rhythm and flamenco language in Bilbao, and together with other flamenco artists from the same city, the guitarists Gaizka Baena, Juantxin Osaba and Ander Unzaga, he formed the group “Kandela”, with which he gave concerts in the north and participated in the “Suma Flamenca” at the “Galileo Galilei” hall in Madrid. In 2009, together with the flamenco dancer Karen Lugo, he won first prize at the “International Dance Festival of Almería”, and together with her and the “Fundación Cardamomo” he began a tour of Nicaragua, Guatemala and Mexico accompanying important figures of flamenco singing such as: Sandra Carrasco, José Maldonado and Loreto de Diego among others. In 2011, again with Karen Lugo and guitarist Agustín Carbonell “Bola”, he toured the main cities of northern India, as well as participating in a project with musicians from Rajhastan and New Delhi.

Performance date: Saturday, June 9 at 7 p.m. (please be punctual)
Place: Can Monroig, Can Valella street no. 22, Inca, Mallorca

More information and reservations:
Tel 649 186494
Can Monroig It is a private and independent space managed by Robert López Hinton and Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron, dedicated to architecture, restoration of old Mallorcan houses and interior design, which occasionally hosts cultural events such as dance, theatre, art and music.

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