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Can Lluïsso

From the house of Can Lluïsso vell we are left with the bathroom on the ground floor. It was the old pigsty with a low ceiling, stone and earth walls; you could see the remains of an old cane forge, very common in the most austere rooms of Mallorcan country houses or in what we call in Mallorca “The room”, an attic located on the top floor where dried tomatoes, potatoes, vegetables were kept, sobrasadas were hung or preserves were stored.

We rebuilt this stone hut to turn it into a bathroom, using materials from the construction site such as stones and earth. A local craftsman supplied us with reeds cut during the January moon, which ensures their long-term preservation, and we used them to construct the roof. The walls and floors are made using the tadelakt technique in sienna to maintain the original atmosphere. The ceramic sink is from a craftsman from the island.

We can say that the restoration of the old pigsty is a Km0 construction, something that is usually difficult to achieve.

Forjado de caña

paredes de tierra

Forjado de caña

Cuarto de baño km0

The entire house has been renovated using natural and traditional materials, always seeking to recover its essence. A good example of this are the facades that have been restored by matching the original panels that were still in good condition, analyzing materials and colors until achieving an appearance that is respectful of the old construction and its surroundings.


During the restoration

After restoration


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