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Author page: canmonroig

Rammed earth walls

This technique consists of building walls by compacting layers of earth within a formwork. In addition to sharing the ecological qualities of other earth construction systems, rammed earth has the advantage of its material austerity, since it does not require the inclusion of plant fibers and needs very little…

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Art and culture in Can Monroig

Can Monroig is also a cultural space open to art and culture. In 2007, while the house was still being restored, the house hosted an exhibition by the Pollensa sculptor Joan Llompart. Since then we have offered theatre and dance performances, concerts, exhibitions, architectural and gastronomic events, etc. We want to be…

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Can Lluïsso

From the house of Can Lluïsso vell we are left with the bathroom on the ground floor. It was the old pigsty with a low ceiling, stone and earth walls; you could see the remains of an old cane forge, very common in the most austere rooms of Mallorcan country houses or in what in Mallorca…

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Angelo Kaunat

Can Monroig

The restoration of Can Monroig was comprehensive, the roofs were completely redone, providing them with a self-ventilation system and using lime mortars and natural insulation to allow the building to breathe and prevent condensation and damp. Can Monroig in Inca The floors had to be reinforced but most of the roofs were reused…

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Can Vaquer

In project: Restoration of an original 18th century Mallorcan village house.  

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Ecological bathroom

As some of you may know, we have a warehouse in the countryside that also serves as a workshop. It is an old pig farm surrounded by land that we have been fixing up little by little. This winter we spent a few weeks organizing the interior of the warehouse and clearing the land around us. Over the years…

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House in Caimari

Restoration process of a village house in Caimari, Mallorca. It is an old house built with stone masonry walls and clay soil, with intermediate partitions made of marés stone. The house was renovated in the seventies by closing spaces, using Portland cement on the walls,…

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The rolls of paper

In 2018, Abraham Calero photographed the painted rolls of paper during the "It's just paint" sessions in previous years. Manuel Santiago, Marie-Noëlle Ginard, Katherina Pfeill and Tia Zanoguera participated in these sessions, always accompanied by the live electronic music of Victor Mardaras.

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Studio and garage

This is the restoration of a house that was in a state of ruin and only the old stone and earth walls remained standing. The house was rebuilt to enable a studio on the upper floor and a garage to house the owner's collection of old motorcycles. …

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Thinkers, creative process of performance / 2019

Thinkers: A performance on the possibility of freedom. "It is as ridiculous to pretend that thought originates in the human mind as it is to pretend that the water we drink originates in the mouth. Our organ of reason is simply something that shares the great reservoir of energies of thought, absorbing the ideas…

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