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Author page: canmonroig

AD China /Montse Garriga

Can Monroig in AD China

Can Monroig and one of the spaces decorated by Robert López Hinton and Marie-Noëlle Ginard in the October 2018 edition of AD China magazine. In the photo on the left: Antique Spanish door, vintage bookcase, fabric painted by Manuel Santiago and Marie-Noëlle Ginard, chair from the Noëlle's chairs series, leatherette sofa by…

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Projecte Körper 2018 / Baal presents / Catalina Carrasco

PROJECT KÖRPER Sex robots Feminist reflections Catalina Carrasco / Baal danza Original music by Kiko Barrenengoa Presentation Saturday 1st September at 9.30pm at Can Monroig as a closing performance of the cycle "In the courtyard of my house", contribution €10. "Sex robots are animatronic humanoid dolls with penetrable holes where they can penetrate…

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Foto Brigitte Lucke

Noëlle and Robert

Can Monroig is formed by Marie-Noëlle Ginard and Robert López Hinton. We met in 1992 in Palma on an advertising photography course. We came from very different worlds and soon after we met I started working with a furniture restorer in La Cabaneta and selling my woven fabrics at craft markets. In…

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The before and after in our restorations

We work with the concept of wabisabi or the beauty of imperfection, we preserve and restore old buildings following traditional techniques, using old and modern ecological materials. All of this accompanied by a different point of view that gives us a journey of more than twenty years in antiques, noble materials, decoration and art. The result…

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Can Monroig as a location

 Can Monroig is available for rent for filming, fashion shoots, advertising, presentations and corporate events. The underground area of the house has exceptional acoustics and is suitable for recording concerts or unplugged music. Although we have set minimum rental costs, we study the proposals that come to us, and…

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We are celebrating our twentieth anniversary

A few weeks ago we realised that this year we are celebrating our twentieth anniversary as a company dedicated to decoration, since at the end of 1997, after leaving a furniture restoration workshop that we had in Llubí, we opened a decoration shop in Pollensa. Robert and Noëlle, restoration workshop, LLubí 1996 In…

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Project management and old houses restoration

We develop projects of restoration of old houses in collaboration with architects and building technicians. We take charge of the project management in restoration and new buildings. Our projects are based on the Mediterranean construction, sustainable and ecological, as well as on classic techniques of construction, like Roman concrete or rammed earth, incorporating when necessary…

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Restoration of old houses in Mallorca

We develop restoration projects for old houses in collaboration with architects and construction technicians; we have our own construction company. We also take care of project management in restoration and new construction. Our projects are based on Mediterranean, ecological and sustainable construction, as well as on techniques of the…

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Country House in Buger

This house, located in the Raiguer region of Mallorca, had been renovated and refurbished several times in recent decades, as the needs of the family that owned it grew. In the 1960s, they built an annex attached to the old house. They plastered one of the facades with mortar…

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