Talk and presentation: 3 / May / 8 pm
Self-knowledge and cultivation of presence by Cristina Avilés Martí.
Free admission
Friday, May 3rd at 8pm at Can Monroig
The Slow Thinking Project, is a proposal that invites us to stop, from time to time, to live life with more calm, reflection and a philosophical attitude.This happens through an inquiry into our own lives, focusing on aspects that are confusing, problematic, or that we simply want to delve deeper into. It is an invitation to lead a good life., in tune with the truth, understood as aletheia (unveiling). That is, it is a task of unveiling, in the sense that our real identity is hidden by the superposition of limited beliefs and prejudices, with which we have identified.
This work of self-knowledge provides us, first of all, with a deep understanding - which is the only path that makes transformation possible - and brings us closer to the truth because it is ignorance - what we believe we are - that is the main cause of an inauthentic life. Secondly, this inquiry is approached in an experiential way, from our vital and felt experience of who we are in the present. It is not only, therefore, about thinking about who we are but it is also at the same time a contemplative experience of BEING. The activities that encompass the dissemination of philosophy as a way of life range from workshops, courses, retreats and philosophical counseling.
All of them follow an eminently practical philosophical approach, which conceives philosophy as the Art of life.
It therefore emphasises the active and creative role of people in living their own lives and moves away from psychology, clinical therapy and self-help. Therefore, neither solutions nor recipes for how we should live are offered, and much less do participants talk about their private lives, although they do talk about how and from where they relate to their experiences. Freedom, autonomy and trust in the participants' own criteria are encouraged, as they are, ultimately, the co-creators of their own lives.
I will talk about all this and we will also be able to enjoy a philosophical dialogue, so that you can learn and experience first-hand what self-knowledge consists of and how it is done. The topic to be discussed will be about “Self-knowledge and the cultivation of presence. We will try, as an introduction, to initiate ourselves in the art of “experiencing” our presence, based on a philosophical reflection in dialogue, to know to what extent we are present and what are the main obstacles that prevent us from fully inhabiting our life.
Talk by Cristina Avilés Marí, graduate in philosophy from the UB (More information)
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