Marie-Noëlle Ginard and Robert López Hinton in Cameroon
In 2012 we travelled to Cameroon to collaborate on a sustainable construction project for two houses using materials such as BTC or rammed earth, finished in earth and decoration inspired by Cameroonian craftsmanship. For a few months we lived in the western part of Cameroon where the Bamileké people live. A little tired of Mallorca and the difficult times that Spain was going through -and is going through-, it was not difficult for us to make the decision to leave.
Travelling daily between Bafoussam and Bangangté, an agricultural area of the country, far from the big cities, surrounded by lush nature, adobe houses, dirt roads, markets, motorbikes and taxis, the most shocking thing was to see women, children and men walking along the roadsides at all hours of the day and even at night, carrying all kinds of things. It didn't take long for us to realise that the living and working conditions of Africans were truly appalling. Cameroon is a country with an infinite number of natural resources (i.e. oil, diamonds, wood and minerals) but whose wealth does not revert at all to its inhabitants.
At the moment the project is on hold for various reasons, but in some way it has marked a before and after in our career and that of Can Monroig. In the next few weeks we are starting a new sustainable restoration project for a house in Mallorca; we are really looking forward to resuming our line of “rogue furniture”, incorporating ecological materials for bioconstruction into our offer, and continuing to feed our "underground" with concerts, theatre, dance and encounters with art and culture.
Meanwhile, Cameroon -little Africa- has left us a good number of photographs, has inspired us with some words and even an exhibition.
/People living on the side of the road… always and all the time.
/Overflowing nature-wild paradise.
/Organic houses, land, tradition in the process of destruction.
/Poverty with a cell phone is not so much poverty…or maybe it is.
/Wanting to imitate Europe and all our mistakes.
/Potential wealth-real poverty.
/Europe takes with one hand and covers its eyes with the other.
/Artisans who are artists without being aware of it.
/Sweet and sad looks - sometimes very harsh.
/Fury of cities besieged by hunger.
/Silver that is what it is!!!
/The unknown terrifies us-it unbalances us-the lives of others are not ours.
And on the way back, I see a small coffin on the top of a tree.
I don't know if it will be- if it is- if it was.
“Leave me here, this is my land.”
Maybe it was and I don't remember.
“Leave me here-bury me here.”
On the top of a tree there is a small coffin,
At least that's what it seems.
I haven't seen anyone there, there's only one empty space.
They were asked to wait and they waited.
Fascinated by light.
Looking up at the sky.
Soft clear autumn day.
November 2012
Text: Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron
Photo: Robert Lopez Hinton
NoëlleyRobert on tumblr
Can Monroig on the Marie Claire Maison blog
Manuel and jouisi, with your permission I copy the comments you made in facebook because they sum up this whole story very well….
-Manuel: “Beautiful and inspiring album…now I understand you and I want a little more, Noëlle and Robert.”
-Noëlle: “It took a year for us to feel strong enough to talk about it. Cameroon…”
-Jouisi: “I understand you”
Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron
Can Monroig, Inca, November 22, 2013.