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Village House in Pollensa

casa en Pollença

Esta casa pertenece a una familia inglesa que pasa largas temporadas en Mallorca y que siente especial predilección por la zona de Pollensa. Tras muchos años residiendo en una casa de construcción nueva en las afueras del pueblo, enamorados de éste, del buen ambiente que se respira a lo largo de todo el año, de las tiendas y restaurantes con encanto, del mercado del domingo; del buen “feeling” entre mallorquines y extranjeros que se da en Pollensa como en ningún otro sitio, decidieron adquirir una casa antigua en el interior del pueblo. Encargaron el proyecto de restauración e interiorismo a Robert López-Hinton y Marie-Noëlle Ginard de Can Monroig ya que conocían su experiencia en restauración de casas antiguas, conocimiento en técnicas y materiales y su gran compromiso con la sostenibilidad en la construcción.

Can Fabregas
Can Fabregas in Pollensa

This house, which was rebuilt while preserving the original volumes and typology, consists of a ground floor, first floor and loft.

Due to the deterioration and poor condition of the house, only the façade could be kept standing. The interior partitions were made of thin, low-quality sandstone, so it was not worth keeping these walls. However, the aim was to create the atmosphere of an old house, with its materials, its patinas and its character. So during the dismantling, great care was taken to recover materials such as Mallorcan tiles, sandstone libaña or hydraulic tiles. The new brick block partitions were covered with lime mortar and natural insulation, which gives the house a significant degree of insulation and thermal comfort.

Can Fabregas
Can Fabregas in Pollensa

La fachada original, de tierra, cal y piedra parcialmente vista, se revocó siguiendo la tipología propia del pueblo de Pollensa, para lo cual se analizó la granulometría y composición del mortero antiguo. El resultado es una fachada estéticamente impecable pero que además respira, creando en el interior un ambiente sano y confortable. Los suelos se embaldosaron con terracota antigua y en algunas habitaciones se utilizó la baldosa mallorquina original de la casa. En la zona del altillo, un espacio abierto donde conviven dormitorio, salón y baño, los suelos se realizaron con mortero de cal a semejanza de los antiguos “trespols de calç” mallorquines.

To give the walls an “organic” character, avoid right lines and angles and recover the original appearance, all the walls were made by hand, achieving harmonious effects with a lot of character.

Las paredes y las duchas de los baños , así como las paredes de la cocina, están hechos con la técnica del tadelakt , un revestimiento natural a base de cales especiales, brillante, liso, resistente al agua con propiedades antisépticas y bioclimáticas. Utilizando al máximo los materiales rescatados durante el derribo de la antigua vivienda, se fabricaron bancos y asientos de marés para el salón y el patio, así como para algunas de las tabiquerías interiores. En todo momento el marés se trabajó a mano buscando un aspecto artesanal, incluso irregular. Las puertas interiores se hicieron en madera de pino y posteriormente se pintaron buscando el efecto de policromía antigua.

Can Fabregas
Can Fabregas in Pollensa

The kitchen and bathroom furniture was designed by Robert López Hinton and made of iron. The green patina in the kitchen or rust-coloured in the bathrooms is the work of Marie-Noëlle Ginard, who specialises in these decorative painting jobs. The owner of the house gave total freedom to the designer. Can Monroig for the selection of furniture, which they took advantage of to create a personal and exclusive atmosphere. Antique and vintage furniture coexists with tables and sofas made of old oak; light fixtures, the work of a local sculptor, with iron bookcases inhabited by “action men” and old bottles found at a flea market. Iron beds with remains of polychrome and Danish armchairs from the sixties.

Can Fabregas
Can Fabregas in Pollensa

The warmth is provided by the hand-made fabrics in curtains and textiles that come from the Vicenç workshops in Pollensa or Bujosa in Santa María. As an anecdote, it is worth mentioning that on the façade of the house a large sandstone portal has been kept that served as access to the stables. In order not to lose light, the wooden gate was replaced by one made of glass and iron, leaving the interior of the house and a small but pretty garden visible. Passers-by who stroll along this little street in Pollensa, whether local or foreign, always stop to look at the house or how its inhabitants have breakfast in the morning. In short, a house designed for an English family looking for a bit of peace and balance in Mallorca.

 During the restoration

After restoration

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