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Interior restoration project for a village house in Bunyola

Foto de RL Hinton

This is a small village house in Bunyola built next to the mountain on the road leading to the commune. Built with thick stone and mud walls, formerly covered with lime mortar, in the eighties it was renovated using Portland cement, both on interior and exterior walls, on the floors and on the forgings.
As a result, since cement was too rigid and impermeable a material for this type of construction, the house suffered from damp, bad smells, condensation, excessive cold in winter and heat in summer.

                      La cocina antes de restaurar                         retirando el cemento de las paredes                      La casa antes de la restauración                        The house before the restoration and while the cement covering the walls was being removed

The restoration consisted of chipping away at all the interior walls of the house, reaching the old earth and stone walls, covering them with lime mortar. The finishes of the house, quite organic and very natural, are not out of place as they remind us how at the time of its construction, meters were gained by digging into the rock of the mountain to make a cave.

Acabados orgánicos y ecológicos
Walls with earth finishes

Redistribution of spaces, opening of a walled-up space that has allowed the house to open onto a small terrace that was once used by the community, recovery of a barrel vault built in sandstone in the old stable and which now serves as a small dining room but is full of charm.

Antiguo establo reconvertido en comedor
Old stable converted into a dining room

Likewise, we use Recovered materials such as antique terracotta for the ground floor floors, solid oak wood for the living room and tadelakt on the bathroom walls.

Suelos de terracota antigua en una casa de Bunyola
Antique terracotta floor

Recuperación del marés en la escalera
Recovery of the marés stone in the stairwell

Restauración de la escalera
Mallorcan “trespol” floors, solid oak wood, lime and earth mortar on walls; restored sandstone vault.

Paredes de tierra restauradas

Casa escarbada en la montaña
The old stable dug into the mountain


Interior restoration project in Bunyola, Mallorca, 2016.
Construction management and execution: Robert López Hinton and Marie-Noëlle Ginard, by Can Monroig.


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