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Michael Julia

Photography and Lies My family had no interest in photography beyond the desire to have a scrapbook, so I find it difficult to remember the reason that, from a very young age, led me to want to have a camera in my hands and capture small moments and fragments of the world that I…

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Liquid Mantle es un grupo berlinés de música experimental

Liquid Mantle

Liquid Mantle is a musical project by Ola Ciao and Mathis Hocke, started in 2017. From Berlin they have created a series of improvised studio sessions focusing on slowly evolving soundscapes, textures and hypnotic beats, using drum machines, pedals, guitar and vocals. Much of the music is recorded during studio sessions.

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El fotógrafo Gabriel Ramon

Gabriel Ramon

If a slight imbalance appears at times, it is nothing more than the intuition of an order of which I am not yet aware, what Jacques Terrasa has defined as "the slight imbalance that still makes us feel alive." Jacques Terrasa Gabriel Ramon photographer Gabriel Ramon (France, 1948). Son of a Majorcan father and an Italian mother, both exiled to…

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Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron

As a child, I was given a book for Christmas about Native Americans. I was fascinated by the illustrations with looms, rugs and woven moccasins. I still have it. "Shelter" Photo by Miquel Juliá I started working on looms when I was twenty years old using a simple frame. In Holland, in the early nineties, I learned to weave on a loom…

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