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Foto Brigitte Lucke

Noëlle and Robert

Can Monroig is formed by Marie-Noëlle Ginard and Robert López Hinton. We met in 1992 in Palma on an advertising photography course. We came from very different worlds and soon after we met I started working with a furniture restorer in La Cabaneta and selling my woven fabrics at craft markets. In…

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Restoration of old houses in Mallorca

We develop restoration projects for old houses in collaboration with architects and construction technicians; we have our own construction company. We also take care of project management in restoration and new construction. Our projects are based on Mediterranean, ecological and sustainable construction, as well as on techniques of the…

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Can Monroig

Who we are

In 2007 we moved to Inca, Mallorca and started this project that we called "Can Monroig" dedicated to sustainable restoration and interior design in old houses. But our origins are in an antique shop on Montenegro Street in Palma de Mallorca, where we bought some old radios with the intention of restoring them...

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