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Creative projects

Dismantling the shelter

"In this uncertain world, having some refuge that cannot be destroyed is of paramount importance" Mari Wollstonecraft “The Clearing of the Refuge” is a performance by Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron carried out in April 2022 around a textile installation in the countryside. A pile of stones that came from Can Monroig and were left on the ground…

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"In this uncertain world, having some refuge that cannot be destroyed is of paramount importance" Mari Wollstonecraft Mari Wollstonecraft Writer Refuge is an artistic project by Marie-Noëlle Ginard based on a textile installation in the countryside around which she created a performance with the photographers Gabriel Ramon, Miquel Juliá and Robert L. Hinton…

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Patrick Parenteau

It's just painting

It's just painting is a project by Can Monroig in which we invite painters, creatives, poets, and musicians to show their most mischievous side in interior design and art. Since we finished the renovation of the house, we have always sought to contrast this old space with a contemporary and atypical decoration, in a line that we…

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