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Can Lluisso

Request a visit Can lluisso is a country house located in Son Vall in Felanitx. The house had been uninhabited for years and due to the use of unsuitable materials for the old construction, it was damp and in an advanced state of deterioration both inside and outside the house. Natural materials and traditional KM 0 techniques…

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Can Lluïsso

Interiors From the house of Can Lluïsso vell we are left with the bathroom on the ground floor. It was the old pigsty with a low ceiling, stone and earth walls; you could see the remains of an old cane forge, very common in the most austere rooms of Mallorcan country houses or in what in Mallorca…

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Can Lluïsso

From the house of Can Lluïsso vell we are left with the bathroom on the ground floor. It was the old pigsty with a low ceiling, stone and earth walls; you could see the remains of an old cane forge, very common in the most austere rooms of Mallorcan country houses or in what in Mallorca…

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Angelo Kaunat

Can Monroig

The restoration of Can Monroig was comprehensive, the roofs were completely redone, providing them with a self-ventilation system and using lime mortars and natural insulation to allow the building to breathe and prevent condensation and damp. Can Monroig in Inca The floors had to be reinforced but most of the roofs were reused…

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casa en Pollença

Can Fabregas

This house belongs to an English family who spend long periods of time in Mallorca and who have a special fondness for the Pollensa area. After many years living in a newly built house on the outskirts of the town, in love with it, with the good atmosphere that is breathed throughout the year, with the…

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