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Baroque music in Can Monroig (2015)

Robert López HintonConcert by Marc Alomar, baroque cello and Ferran Pisà, theorbo

Friday 30th October 2015 at 8pm at Can Monroig.
Sonatas for cello and basso continuo by D. Gabrielli, G. Jacchini, A. Vivaldi and G. Platti.

 With this concert, Ferran and Marc explore the origins of the cello as a solo instrument. Although this instrument was used exclusively as a basso continuo, towards the end of the 17th century it gained prominence. This change can be found in northern Italy, in the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, where Domenico Gabrielli and Giuseppe Maria Jacchini worked. The two cellists wrote the first solo works for this instrument, which we will be able to hear in the concert. To complete the programme, we will continue in northern Italy with the sonatas of Antonio Vivaldi and Giovanni Platti.
Ferran and Marc have known each other for more than 10 years, but this is the first project they have worked on together. Ferran, who specialises in early plucked string instruments, has trained at the Amsterdam Conservatory and at the ESMUC in Barcelona, where he lives. Marc, for his part, studied cello at the Conservatoire Supérieur des Iles Balears, and in recent years has lived in the United States and France to complete his studies in Physics and Space Engineering. It was in Toulouse that he discovered the baroque cello. For the past year he has been completing his training at the Early Music Department of the Toulouse Conservatory. 

Ferran Pisà, theorbo, accompanied by Robert Smith, viola da gamba. 

Cello Sonatas, set 2: Sonata No. 4:I.Largo

Ferran Pisà on Soundcloud

More information:


Location: Can Monroig
Calle Can Valella nº 22 Inca, Mallorca (see in google maps)
tel 649186494

Date: October 30, 2015 at 8:00 p.m.
By invitation only, free admission.
Concert duration 60 min







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