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Essaie Pas in concert (2013)


Marie Davidson – Esthétique privée from Marie Davidson on Vimeo.

Can Monroig, in collaboration with the Quebec Government Office in Barcelona, presents ESSAIE PAS on Friday, December 6 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, December 7 at 7 p.m.
Essaie Pas is one of the bands that has made Montreal's drone, noise and underground scene grow. Their electro blues is retro, noir, minimalist and atmospheric, with guitars and vocals that give it a cinematic sound close to David Lynch. The lyrics are opaque and intriguing, and above all existentialist, inspired by personal failures, art as a refuge, books, films and light. They move freely between more laconic themes with long, dark drones and distorted voices, sometimes they do electronic jam, other times the voice sings languidly in both French and English... and they combine all this with a more danceable, party-like and festival-like side. They land in our country after a tour through Belgium, Germany, France, Sweden and Italy. They have two EPs, the last one is titled “Everything is young”, and a split with Hobo Cubes

Marie davidson and Pierre Guerineau met in 2006 at La Brique in Montreal, an underground loft where concerts are held, which is also a space for creation, home to pop, electronic pop, experimental and avant garde record labels, with bands like Dirty Beaches, Léopard & Moi. They are heirs to collectives like Consttellation/ Goodspeed You! Black Emperor.
Marie Davidson came from previous bands like “Les mummies de Palerme” and is the daughter of D. Kimm, one of the most charismatic performers in Quebec. Pierre Guerieneau, of French origin, is also a producer, a synthesizer fanatic, who likes to make games of low and blurred drones, high-pitched ones, in the background, creating perpetual climaxes.
They also draw inspiration from records from labels like Constellation and Alien8. Together they founded the label Témeraire Records where they release cassettes that sell out, and are linked to venerable labels like Francesco de Gallo’s HoboCult. Their work appears reviewed in most Canadian webzines, and in other corners such as Russia. “Silent Shout”, the Canadian webzine of reference for electronic music, put them at number 1 of the Top 10 EPs of 2012. Afterpop webzine (Mexico) considers Pierre Guerieneau: “one of the most relevant characters in the music scene, not only in Montreal but in the world underground scene right now.”

Text: Txell Bonet Batalla

Duo monréalais de musique electronique, Essaie pas est composé de Marie Davidson, poète et musicienne active depuis 2006 au sein de projets tel que Les Momies de Palerme, Land of Kush (Constellation rec.) et DKMD (Fur Trade rec.), ainsi que Pierre Guerineau, self-taught musician and ingénieur who also produces the music of Dirty Beaches, Femminielli, Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche (members of Fly Pan Am), Bataille Solaire, and Low Factor.

Membres actifs au sein du collectif et lieu de création DIY « La Brique » de Montréal, ils commencement à jouer ensemble en 2010. Mélomanes dans l'âme, leur musique s'inspire autant des bands originales de films, du Blues-Rock, du No-Wave que de l'ambient ou du disco.
Préconisant l'utilisation de material analogue, also in studio qu'en concert, l'alliance des séquenceurs, synthétiseurs, boite à rythme, guitare et la prose de Marie tantôt parlé, tantôt chanté, font d'Essaie pas un groupe captivant, in constant evolution. Réinventant souvent ses pièces et intégrant l'improvisation à ses performances, avec une complicé et un magnétisme fascinants, Essaie pas fait de chaque concert une expérience unique and intense. Délivrés sur un ton sensuel, les textes, en français et en anglais, abordent les themes du fantasme, des désirs et de l'errance.
After two self-produced EPs and a split-album with Hobo Cubes (all three well-accepted by international critics) as well as a great name of concerts at the moment, they embarked for the first European tour on the occasion of the sortie de leur premier LP (sorti par Teenage Menopause et Plastic Spoon rec.).
Montreal based electronic duo, Essaie pas is composed of Marie Davidson and Pierre Guerineau. Davidson has been a poet and active musician since 2006, dedicating herself to such projects as Les Momies de Palerme, Land of Kush (Constellation Records) and DKMD (Fur Trade Records). Guerineau, a self-taught musician and sound engineer, makes up the other half of the duo. Outside of his own productions, Guerineau has contributed his studio skills to producing a list of artists like Dirty Beaches, Femminelli, Avec Le Soleil Sortant De Sa Bouche (members of Fly Pan Am), Bataille Solaire and Low Factor, among others.
Active members within the esteemed Montreal DIY music/art collective La Brique, they came together and started playing in 2010. Music-lovers at heart, Essaie pas offer “a feverish atmosphere, a psych, dark and sexy sound, and a unique universe” influenced by Film Soundtracks, Blues-Rock, No-Wave, Disco and Ambient music. .
Using predominantly analog instruments, in the studio as on stage, the mixed sounds of sequencers, synthesizers, drum machine, guitar and Marie's half-spoken, half-sung prose, makes Essaie pas a riveting band. Delivered in a sensual tone, the lyrics, in French and in English, explore the themes of fantasies, desire and wandering. Often reinventing their own pieces, and integrating improvisation, with a beautiful complicity and a magnetic presence on stage, they make every show a unique and deep experience.
Their 2 self-produced eps and the split-album, with electronic wizard Hobo Cubes, have all been well received around the world. After a high number of live shows, Essaie pas will be embarking on their first European tour this winter, starting in Paris and Bruxelles for their first LP launch (Album released by Teenage Menopause and Maltidos Records).

Essaie Pas rehearsals in the Can Monroig underground More information: Can Monroig on Facebook



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