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You have to believe the need

In the summer of 2007 we invited a friend, Marie-Noëlle Barré, director of a theatre and cultural centre in Paris, to visit Can Monroig. The house was still undergoing restoration work but we could already see the open spaces, the different levels, the heights, etc.
Our friend, impressed by the place, asked us - "Have you thought about making this place known, opening it to the public, performing theatre, dance, music?" We, who until then had only talked about the possibility of opening our studio here, answered that no, that this was not possible, that we were not in Paris, that this was Inca, that people here were not very interested in art or culture. In short, it would be a waste of time. Then Marie-Noëlle Barré told us something that we have always kept in mind: “IL faut créer la nécessité”, “You have to create the need”. From time to time Roberto and I remember this phrase, and although we do not always keep it in mind, I think it has left a deep mark on us. We have to create in people the need to see art, we have to create the need to live surrounded by beauty, we have to create the need to live different moments in special places. In Easter 2010 Marie-Noëlle Barré and her daughter Berenice presented “IL faut créer la nécessité” at Can MonroigThe House of Bernarda Alba” performed by a group of young French actresses from the L'arlequin theatre company.
It was the first time we opened the doors of this house to others.

Text: Noëlle, photos: Robert López Hinton, January 2013.

Representation of “The House of Bernarda Alba”, 2010
L'arlequin de Paris theater company, 2010 in Can Monroig.

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