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Incart 2012: Economic Tsunami in Progress

Foto de R López Hinton

“Economic Tsunami in Progress” Performance by Herbert Hundrich at Can Monroig

On June 8, the German artist living in Sineu, Herbert Hundrich, presented his performance “Economic Tsunami in Progress” during the opening of Incart 2012 in Can Monroig. The silhouettes painted on the asphalt of the street remind us of those drawn during a police report, reporting that a corpse has been found there.

This performance is based on a previous project by the artist in which Herbert proposed hosting some of the survivors of the tsunami that devastated Japan last year in his hometown in Germany.

This project, which has been transferred to Inca, Mallorca, talks about how the economic crisis that has become a tsunami is devastating families, people who are losing their homes, their way of life...

The silhouettes painted on the asphalt of the street remind us of those drawn during a police report, reporting that a corpse has been found there.

The occupation of the silhouettes arose spontaneously during the opening of Incart on June 8 when Pep Toni Ginard decided to lie down on the floor and was immortalized by several press photographers and fans.

After a while, we asked a few children from the neighbourhood to lie down on the ground as if they were crucified. In this improvised children's performance, children from different cultures and backgrounds came together.

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The next day we took a new series of photographs in which adults and children participated.

Robert López Hinton's visually striking photos show us people lying on the ground looking up at the sky or children who look like little crucified ones.

The project of Herbert Hundrich has taken on a life of its own. Perhaps the dream of any artist.

Economic Tsunami II./3 – Breaking News / Trailer – 2013. Hundrich from Hundrich on Vimeo.

Camera 2012 – Robert Lopez Hinton / music composed by linford. projects / edited by Pelai de la Frontera
in cooperation with Can Monroig, Inca / Incart Mallorca. Balearic Islands, Spain

Economic Tsunami. in progress – a hundrich.project 2012.13 /


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