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Karen Lugo and Juan Debel, flamenco performance

Sunday, June 18 at 8 p.m. Can Monroig presents the flamenco dancer Karen Lugo, accompanied by Juan Debel sing, Jose Llorach percussion and Manuel Carmona guitar.

"ANDIt is a wonderful slap in the face to purists. She is the maximum beauty wrapped in the minimum. She tastes, smells, remembers everything and is like nothing. She has all the volcanic strength of her homeland, the strength needed to cross the planet in search of what she loves most. She is Mexican, and she is the most flamenco in the world.” Javier Latorre

Karen Lugo, a dancer awarded with the first prize for flamenco dance Almeria International Festival, first prize for choreography at the Contemporary Flamenco Festival of Finland and third prize for choreography at the XVII Spanish Dance and Flamenco Competition in Madrid. He has participated solo in the cycle “Los Novíssimos” at the XIV Festival de Jerez, in the Festival “Sangre Nueva, Jóvenes Flamencos” at the Spanish Theatre from Madrid, in the cycle “Los Veranos del Corral” in Granada, in the cycle “Flamencos y Mestizos” of the SGAE Foundation in the Sala Berlanga in Madrid and in the cycle “Con cierto Independencia” in the Lunario del National Auditorium of Mexico City, among others.
Under the direction of Javier Latorre, takes part in the film “Flamenco Flamenco” by Carlos Saura and as the first dancer in the show “El Duende y el Reloj”. Invited by Juan Carlos Lérida, participates in the research and artistic creation residency of the Flamenc Empiric Festival in the Les Flors Market from Barcelona. Next to Israel Varela creates the duo Made in Mexico, a project dedicated to collaborating with musicians of different styles and nationalities with whom they have carried out collaborations and tours in Indonesia, the Middle East, Italy, the USA, Spain and Mexico.
He also collaborates with Alicia Carrasco and José Manuel León in their work Kloric Woman, a project that addresses socio-cultural problems linked to the female figure.

Karen Lugo and Kloric Woman

In collaboration with the Flamenco Foundation House of Paws, has premiered three shows: “Flamencura“, “Flamenco Territorio DeMente” and “Flamenco Frequencies” presenting them on tour Middle East and United States. Together with José Maldonado and Nino de los Reyes he creates “LOVING” Tribute to the genius Enrique Morente with premiere at the Madrid Flamenco Festival. Currently he alternates his collaborations with different artists and projects with the creation of his new show “SerSiente” with premiere at the Alarife Theatre of Guadalajara, Mexico with upcoming tour in Russia and Germany.

Karen Lugo with Defne Enç Luján

The singer Juan Debel

Juan Debel, singer
Born in Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) in 1985, he entered the world of flamenco at just ten years old and soon began to collect awards (First Prize in the City of Carmona, First Prize in the Peña Manolo Caracol in Montalbán de Córdona, Second Prize in the East District of Seville, Young Prize in Tertulia La Isla in San Fernando, Special Prize in Almería)..
He has participated in around twenty flamenco and fusion albums with artists such as La Tobala, Jacobo, Pepe El Marismeño, Javier Limon, Sandra Carrasco, Raul El Cobo He has also been part of the live bands of Arcángel and Estrella Morente.. He currently combines touring as a singer in Spanish dance and flamenco dance companies with work in the main flamenco tablaos in Madrid.

Karen Lugo 2017, flamenco performance from Can Monroig on Vimeo.
Fragment of Karen Lugo's performance at Can Monroig, June 2017

Artistic creation performance
More information about Karen Lugo in

Can Monroig It is a private and independent space managed by Robert Lopez Hinton and Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron, dedicated to architecture, restoration of old Mallorcan houses and interior design, and which occasionally hosts cultural events such as dance, teatro, art or music through the cultural association Can Monroig.


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