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No stopping anytime

Foto Robert López Hinton“Having some refuge in this uncertain world
that cannot be destroyed, is
of primary importance”

Mary Wollstonecraft. Thoughts on the Education of Daughters (1787)

 Living in a house as big as Can Monroig is not complicated, but I must admit that it can be a bit lonely, and when you stop offering concerts, theatre or dance for more than a year, you feel a bit empty.
Although in reality it is the house that is complaining, which was always meant to be lived in, so two people and two cats are not much company for it.

Yes, it is true that every Saturday we open our doors under the motto “Today we are at home” for anyone who wants to visit our showroom and learn something about the history of the house and that of Inca.

Brigitte en la cisterna

Brigitte Lucke and Emily M. Wilson in the cistern


Marie-Noëlle painting some armchairs
for “rogue furniture”

Es solo pintura

Manuel Santiago in “It’s just paint”

…And Thursdays are taking shape “It’s just paint”, an initiative shared with Manuel Santiago that consists of painting together on canvas, paper, furniture... and which is being joined by musicians and poets who perform while we paint.

inca multicultural

Inca multicultural

Inca It is becoming an interesting place; Palma is no longer the centre of the Mallorcan universe. There is everything to do here and perhaps this is what makes it attractive. Among other things, this is a multicultural place and we are proud of it. Why not take this as our advantage instead of seeing it as a negative?

estudio arqueológico del horno

Archaeological study of the Can Monroig oven

In recent months, archaeologist Jorge Argüello has carried out a study around the oven and a project has been launched on the Call (Jewish quarter) of Inca.

…We have also focused on our restoration work and construction management in two Majorcan houses.


House in Bunyola


Landscapes of Mallorca

…And we continue photographing old houses and incomparable landscapes of Mallorca for #Houses_we_would_love_to_restore.

casa en Buger

House in Buger

And we have renovated our “Classic-Hooligan” showroom

clasico gamberro

60s gas pump and teddy bear lamp

pintura de Manuel Santiago

Painting by Manuel Santiago, vintage bookstore

muebles gamberros

naughty furniture

Still, as I said at the beginning, having an empty house makes us uneasy, we miss the staging, the music, the voices; getting friends together and showing this house to other people.
That's why, last October, we returned to music with the baroque concert by Marc Alomar, and soon we will offer flamenco jazz by the group Blue Border.
But the best of Can Monroig is yet to come and I suggest you stay tuned because, among other things, we will soon present our “messy” decoration blog with the most bohemian and personal houses in Mallorca.

desordenado blog

Photo session in a house in Sineu for “messy”

Can Monroig, November 2015
Text: Marie-Noëlle Ginard Féron
Photos: Robert Lopez Hinton

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