This summer 2021 we have carried out new archaeological excavations in Can Monroig under archaeological supervision.
Firstly, we removed some sandstone slabs that seemed to cover an arch in the wall that separates us from the neighbouring house, in order to understand what function this element may have had in the past. However, once the stone was removed, we concluded that what seemed to be a doorway was a niche with a depth of approximately 20 cm opened in the mud wall that does not seem to have gone any further. The wall of the niche is plastered and it would be interesting to study the relationship of these mortars with those that previously appeared below on the lower level next to the jar.
Inside the space that was converted into a bedroom closet about 100 years ago, the remains of a stone arch or portal have appeared, as well as remains of old plasterwork.
Tests were also carried out in the pit in the kiln area, emptying an area of approximately 50 cm wide by 1 m high. We removed ceramic remains from the 19th century together with materials such as sand, earth and mud; these are possibly debris that were thrown into the pit when the house was remodelled in the 19th century. Given the difficulty of making progress in the test and waiting to be able to present a detailed project to continue, we did not go into further detail.
We have recovered the niche or doorway on the first floor that once connected to the neighbouring house. It is plastered on the sides and it seems to have been plastered throughout its depth. Although for obvious reasons we have not been able to open the hole completely.

We also want to study the possibility that there was another stone deposit in the current underground area. We base our argument on the fact that the stone located under the jar is at the same level as the floor of the small stone deposit embedded in the wall, together with the fact that the type of stone and its thickness are the same as those of the stones in the existing wine presses, which indicates that the paved surface could have been much larger.
The stones from what was the reservoir were dismantled and reused to pave one of the rooms in the house. Likewise, the large stone slab converted into a bench is actually a stone beam that belonged to a defunct reservoir.
Tastings in 2005