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Painting the house with natural paints

foto de Robert López HintonWe have been painting Can Monroig for a few days now

pintando con pinturas naturales

We have made our own paints with natural and biodegradable materials,
They don't smell, they're not toxic and our cat loves them.
Here we see Jabba alongside Noëlle controlling the brewing process.

It wouldn't be anything special if it weren't for the fact that we are very happy to do it with our own natural and ecological paints. Since we had our first workshop, in Llubí (Mallorca) in the mid-nineties, where we painted furniture mixing bases with oil or walls with latex and pigments, we have learned a few more things.

Pintando las paredes de Can Monroig

Our cat Jabba likes to control the quality of the finishes at all times.

We don't like prefabricated, uniform and artificial materials. We like textures, matte finishes, natural and personalized colors; and if we can also work with an environmentally friendly material that is not toxic to the inhabitants of the house, taking care of the health of those around us, so much the better. You only have to see how our cats Jabba and Yoda have accompanied us at all times without missing a detail.

Yoda contempla el desorden mientras pintamos

I think cats don't like mess.

We currently manufacture the paints for walls and furniture “on site”, we only use them in our decorative projects. At the moment we do not produce or sell them, but we do not rule out doing so in the future.


Jabba controls the white finish of natural paints

Anyway, all this hasn't saved us from having our house turned upside down for a few days and to make the best of it we have decided that we like disorder and here is the proof.

Can Monroig en desorden

Cin Monroig, February 2015

Also on our blog at Marie Claire maison

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