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Restoring an old house in Mallorca

foto de Can Monroig

Restoration process of a traditional Mallorcan house.

We recently told you about Can Monroig's latest project in Mallorca “Restoring a traditional Mallorcan house”.
In future articles we will tell you how the restoration process is progressing so that you can better appreciate the changes.

After dismantling the house, removing what was left of the roof, the floors, the partitions and chipping away at the interior walls, we have consolidated the walls. It is a slow but necessary job. The type of construction and the state of the walls require it.

We are currently rebuilding the roof with insulation and natural ventilation. Both in the opening of openings and in the re-entry of stone walls, we try to maintain the original appearance of the house, matching materials and finishes.


State in which we find the ridges

Las paredes interiores tras retirar el mortero viejo

Interior walls after removing old mortar

consolidacion de paredes de tierra

Internal consolidation of earth walls

apertura de huecos

Opening gaps

reconstruir ventanas de mares

We rebuilt the windows to resemble the old ones

igualar muros de piedra

The height of the walls has gone up slightly with the new roof, so we are leveling out the stone walls so the difference is not noticeable.

tejado ventilado

Ventilated roof and recovery of old tiles

For the roof we have used natural ventilation methods that reduce the interior temperature of the house by several degrees during the hot months.


We recommend visiting our blog at Marie Claire House.

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