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Steven Munar Time Traveler Acoustic Show (December 2013)


Steven Munar presents his new album “Time Traveller” in an acoustic concert.
Sunday 22nd December at 6pm at Can Monroig.

Celebration. That's how we could sum up 'Time traveller', Steven Munar's new album, as a celebration, a toast to good vibes, optimism and above all to love, may love never be lacking.

If in the previous and third solo work of the ex-The Tea Servants (Break the Rules!, 2011) Steven Munar pointed towards a less folk direction, with touches of soul and folk rock, now we find ourselves before a more rock work, an album in which he has surpassed himself by building a bridge that connects Gram Parson and Graham Parker, Fairport Convention and Grateful Dead, the old and the new world, modernity and tradition, and that, let me tell you, is quite difficult to achieve.
'Time traveller' is a journey, yes, but not a journey in time; it is a journey through emotions, through the inner viscera of the instruments, those that never age and are always sincere, like the music of the Anglo-Mallorcan. Thinking about it, we are all travellers in our time, the difficult thing is to move to another plane, emotional and earthly, and by God Steven Munar manages to do it at times while listening to the album. That intertemporality drives me crazy. Word.
And remember, man fears time, but time only fears pyramids.… now Steven Munar!Nando Caballero
photo by Xavier Mulet.

Place: C/Can Valella nº 22 Inca, Mallorca.
Inquiries: tel 871912496 -649186494

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