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Thinkers, creative process of performance / 2019

Thinkers: A performance about the possibility of freedom.

“It is as ridiculous to pretend that thought originates in the human mind as it is to pretend that the water we drink originates in the mouth. Our organ of reason is simply something that shares the great reservoir of thought energies, absorbing the ideas themselves. We cannot thus speak of these ideas as belonging exclusively to the human being. On the contrary, we must be aware that thoughts are forces that dominate the world and are spread throughout the cosmos.”
Rudolph Steiner

Sample of the creative process of the performance “Thinkers” with live music and dance:
Original idea by Enrique Barrenengoa, violin; Elisabetta Monacelli, cello; Juanmi Bosch, piano; Ginés Fernández, drums; Pedro Servera, live video creation; Judit Jiménez, dance.
A production of

Location: Can Monroig, Can Valella street nº22, Inca, Mallorca.
Date: Saturday, October 12 at 7 p.m.

Approximate duration 40 minutes and final discussion.
Reservations to, Phones 649186494 (Robert), 609167768 (Noëlle)
Organized by: Can Monroig cultural association

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